Adding new Places


  1. To add new places to your maps, click Places->Add New
  2. If the location name is the same of the page title, in the marker informations it will not be displayed.
  3. Address, city and country will be displayed in a formatted way.
  4. If you don’t know the coordinates of a place, just type its address in the field “Address to geocode” and click the “Geocode this address” green button.
  5. If the location shown in the map is not correct, you can manually add your own coordinates. The coordinates must be written as latitude,longitude as in the example.
  6. The phone number will automatically launch a call if clicked from a mobile device, and the email field will automatically launch a new email creation.
  7. If you want to add a custom icon, you can simply copy an icon name from the fontawesome cheatsheet here:
  8. If your theme or any plugin adds extra icons, you can use any class from other icon sets.
  9. The Marker Style defines how you want the marker to appear in the map. By default, if a featured image is loaded, you’ll see a thumbnail.If you want to display only the icon, select the “Show Icon” option.
  10. Every marker can also have its own color. The marker color will override the map color settings.